Phoenix Wrong - Yeah I'm a little late with the video of the week but what can you do? :p Watch and enjoy this god dam funny video.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Video of the Week
Phoenix Wrong - Yeah I'm a little late with the video of the week but what can you do? :p Watch and enjoy this god dam funny video.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The 14 Buck Clean Up
Who here is tired of looking down at their feet while sitting at their desk only to be greeted by a tangled mess of cables? Well I know I am, it’s not a pretty site and things can get very messy once you start plugging in more components. Monitors, printers, speakers and the seemingly endless collection of USB devices all add to the tangled chaos. Just because you have a lot of devices don’t mean you have to put up with numerous cables dangling down the back of your desk and for few dollars you can sort this mess out. I know some people are thinking that a fist full of cable ties will do the trick and yes it will but what happens if you want to move or unplug something? You have to grab a set of scissors and start chopping away, then cable tie it all up again.
The above image is what I used to have to look at every time I looked under my desk. The following pointers are a quick, cheap and simple way of cable management while still having everything nice and accessible if you need to move or replace anything. It’s not going to be a work of art but it’s definitely an improvement.
Pictured above is selection of cable clamps and adhesive wire saddles, everything you see in that picture set me back $13.80 from my local Bunning Hardware. I’m sure there’s a place that sells it cheaper and if you can be bother shopping around for the best deal then go for it. To clean up my mess I used 5 x small cables clamps, 1 x large cable clamp and a six pack of wire saddles. That should take care of the average PC user’s desk.
These cable clamps are brilliant little devices and they’re adjustable as well as reusable. Just loop the clamp around the cables you wish to group together and close it up as tight as needed. When it comes time to access the clamped cable just press back on the release lever and pull apart the clamp, simple as that! No need for chopping up cable ties each time you have to access something.
The clean up process is pretty straight forward and you can go about it any way you see fit. I’m just sharing a few tips with everyone in case you need them.
- Before you start shifting wires around turn everything off at the mains power point. (obvious precaution but has to mentioned)
- Unplug items you don’t often use, I had an external hard drive that only got used once a month(if that) and a AV connecter harness plugged into the TV tuner card that barely got used at all. There’s no point in me having this stuff plugged in if wasn’t doing anything useful, besides it would only take a minute to plug it all back in.
- Group wires together that share the same travel path, ie the monitor power cable, monitor signal cable and the USB webcam cable all go to the same place so they can be grouped together.
- Unplug and redirect wires to get the neatest travel path.
- Clamp up the cables you have grouped using either the small cables clamps or the wire saddles depending on their location.
- When clamping up cables it’s best to leave a little play in them so you can still move things around, for example I left enough play in my cables for me to pull my case back far enough to access all sides of it without having to unplug anything.
- Some speaker wires can be prone to interference when placed to close to power cables, if you get speaker noise(a humming sound emits from the speaker) then you’ll have to run the speaker cables down another path.
I have a wired USB keyboard on a sliding tray there for I still wanted this cable to have free movement. So I ran the USB cable through some wire saddles which still allows the cable to move back and forth while looking much neater at the same time.
My computer case sits in close proximity to the power board so I used the larger clamp to tidy up some slack from the PSU’s power cable. This may be a situation for some of your other components.
There you have it that’s the end result. It only took me half an hour and some lose change. This is only an example and you can build on it further by using more clamps and other cable management accessories. Take a look in the “power and lighting” section of you local hardware store and you’ll find everything I used here and more. I hope ou got some use out of this article and thanks for reading.
Written by: Matthew Armitage
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Video of the Week
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A New Look Blog
Friday, January 16, 2009
Some of My Stuff
Gaming is a big part of my life but it isn't the most important or else I would have all the latest and greatest gear as well as everything interesting that has been released in the past. But you know how it is when bills and loved once come first your habit...sorry, hobby comes second which in my opinion is they way to go anyway. The stuff show in following pictures I have collected over time some of which has been with me since I was a kid, and yes that Atari 2600 slim was one of them.
On the top of the shelves there's an Atari Lynx, Game Boy Advance(I have an SP but it's not pictured), Neo Geo Pocked and a Wonder Swan. Top shelf is the Nintendo 64 which I bought not long ago because my original ones were stolen along with my games. The middle shelf is an Atari 2600 slim and the Atari VCS(woody). Bottom shelf is an NTSC SNES.
Top shelf is a Sega Dream Cast and a limited edition Street Fighter controller for a PS2. Sorry the next two shelves are pretty dark but you can still make it all out. The middle shelf is a Sega Saturn and next to it is Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3 for the Mega Drive. The bottom shelf is a Mega Drive with the Mega CD.
That's my lounge room set up, I've done what I can to integrate my nerdy hobby into an average lounge room setting lol. On the left of the TV there's a Wii which I've done a black case swap on. On the right is my 40gb PS3 that has had a 320gb hard drive installed, the keyboard and mouse on the coffee table are for the PS3. In the shelving compartment there's an original Playstation and a Game Cube. I want to get a bigger LCD TV at some point but this will do for now and my couch isn't too far away from the TV anyway and everything runs through the Pioneer 7.1 amplifier.
Here's some pics of other gaming stuff I haven't found a home for yet.
Atari games, NTSC SNES games PS1 accessories and what's left of my Commodore 64 collection.
My most recent addition is this PAL SNES with games, controllers and a Super Game Boy adapter. I still have to clean them up a little but I'll find a spot for it all soon.
I also don't mind a bit of PC gaming and here's my "multipurpose" rig. It's Q6600 2.4Ghz Intel Quad core with Zalman cooling core, 4gb DDR2 RAM, BD drive, Asus 9800GT GPU and some glowing case accessories thrown in there for good measure. It's good enough to run most games at full spec so I'm happy for now. I still plan to over clock the CPU and get a 24in monitor at some point. You can also see on the top shelf above the monitors there's a first gen PSP and normally there would be my DS Lite there but someone has wandered off with it -_-
Well that's it basically I hope this didn't come across as a "OMG look at all my shit" kinda post because that wasn't my intention. I like videogames and I wanted to share that plus I now I have something I can link back to an interesting discussion we're having over at check it out as there's lots of other cool pics of collections being posted there all the time.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Apple Pippin Retrospective
Apple Pippin Retrospective
Some may have noticed that there has been an absence of these Retrospective articles for a while and I apologise to anyone who was been looking forward to them. Recently I have moved house and had to jump through hoops to get a half decent Internet connection, which made researching these articles a little difficult. Now I’m back on track and eager to take people down memory lane and or learn a little about the vast history in videogames.