Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Video Game Collectors

Since the majority of the MySites are primarily focused around videogames it’s a fair call to assume that there’s a number of videogame collectors amongst us. Some people just end up with a stack of consoles and games from being too lazy to trade them in or even… god forbid chuck them out *weeps a little* Some of us are gamers that just can’t bare to part with the awesome memories that these consoles have given us back when they were in their prime, so a collection of the evolutionary steps in videogame technology are probably stashed away on the top shelf in a closet somewhere. Then there’s the die hard collector that will spend hours sifting through listings on ebay or bantering with a second hand dealer at some market place looking for that must have rarity. Wether you are one of the above or something in between, heck! Even if you want to check out some cool pictures of other members collection may I suggest you head over to and check out an interesting thread we have going on that’s all about videogame collections and collectors. Look I know that some of you are thinking “what’s the big deal it’s just a thread dude” well the main reason I’m here today spreading the word is because we’ve had a small taste of member’s videogame collections and now we want to see more. So if you have some gaming history stashed away somewhere in your house, fish out what you have, take a happy snap and post it HERE! It doesn’t matter if your collection is big, small or rare. If you’re a Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Atari, Commodore or Sega fan. Portable gaming, hobby computers or home consoles a collection is a collection and we would love to check it out. It’s not all picture posting though, there’s some good tips, general information and friendly discussion being bounced around as well.

Below are just a few shots of what the MyDS members have posted so far.

This is most of my collection, well the older stuff anyway

This is Doles284’s towers of power

This is BBking’s tribute to Nintendo

This is m24ychal’s collection of portable gaming

This is Insidious’s vast collection of Nintendo’s finest

That’s just the beginning and we hope to see more. I have to give a special thanks to the above mentioned members for letting me use their pictures.

Note: If any of the above images are too big just "right click" and select "view image" to get a full view.

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