Monday, April 7, 2008

Gaming Console Modifications

Here's an old article I wrote quite some time ago but I thought it may interest a few people so I decided to dig it up and post it here.

As most of have no doubt noticed people with the knowledge and the willingness have been modifying gaming console and portables, not the most recent of crazes although in my opinion one of the more interesting ones.
All you have to do is check Internet forums, galleries or even a Google search and your bound to come up with some cleaver persons personal creation, so much has been tried, from the more common case, button and light mods right down to creating a portable version of a last generation console.
So why do it? Why bother? You ask, well it would be like saying why modify a car, and being a modified car enthusiast myself, the appeal I would see from having a custom gaming system is, you have something that is truly yours, one of a kind, you can’t buy this in the stores kind of feel, and sometimes you can just look at something and think to yourself; “hmm I can make this better”, or maybe people like a challenge and can’t stop fiddling with things, there’s even been competitions run.

The Nintendo DS has been common grounds for a variation of mods, and since the introduction of the DS Lite, the original DS has been prime target most likely due to the fact the most have upgraded to the Lite.
Here are a few examples:

Original DS – Zelda case theme

Original DS – Donkey Kong game watch theme

Seems lately the DS Lite is no longer safe from modifiers, with case and light mods appearing all over the web and here’s a nicely presented Zelda themed DS Lite.

With backlit shield.

Also complimented with its own matching charging dock.

Just below is a neat lighting mod performed on a DS Lite, the LEDs are sound reactive, to see it in action check out the video.

Not just bound to cosmetic mods the Nintendo DS has received some interesting custom work, most of which seriously deviate from functionality, things like external hard drives and solar panels have been added, even a fully functional super sized DS has been created.

Original DS – with 40GB external HD

So the original DS doesn’t satisfy you for screen size requirements then check out this super sized version and prove it really works have a look at the video below.

The Nintendo Wii has also received it fair share of case mods even though it hasn’t been out for that long, but because of its cheaper price tag modifiers haven’t been discouraged.
With similar theme to the previously shown Zelda themed DS, this Zelda has been nicely done.

Wii – Zelda theme

Even the Wii-mote gets the LED treatment, with the ”A” button illuminating when switched on.

Moving up along the price scale of current generation gaming systems, the Xbox 360 has had a number of themed cases as well.
Here is a few nice examples:

xbox360 - half life mod

xbox360 - Illuminated case mod

One Xbox 360 modification that stands out is the integration of a water cooling system, this kind of cooling is usually reserved for high powered computers.

Now being the most expensive gaming system currently on the market I was quite surprised to see such a silly modification (that’s if you want to refer to it as that) performed to a PS3 a very expensive gag if you ask me or maybe this person just had access to a PS3 shell.
My apologies to PS3 fans this next video might make you cringe.

PS3 - Red case
Apart from this pictured red case PS3(white also available) there hasn't been anything very unique done to the PS3 but give it time.

Here's something I find quite fascinating, turning a current gen console into a laptop. The amount of work that would be required to make these concepts full functional is just awesome.

Wii Laptop
Don't know how you would look swinging around a Wii controller in public, but never the less it's still a cool idea and was created not to long after the release of the console.

xbox360 Laptop

xbox360 Laptop mk2

An xbox360 turned into a laptop could be quite useful as media portable media center, but I wouldn't be expecting quality battery life out of it.
One question on the minds of Sony fans is most likely "who's going turn their PS3 into a laptop?"

I guess many of us still have our older gaming systems lying around either collecting dust or stashed away for safe keeping, well if your not a collector and want to get some further use out of them apart from reliving fond memories from yesteryear why not make them into something else or even create a portable version.
Here are a few good examples:

NES – DVD player


NES cartridge external HD

PS2 – Portable

N64 – Portable

Atari 2600 – Portable

NES Controller – 4 post USB hub

PSP - Clear case with blue LEDs

The list of images could go on and on there has been so many cleaver creations surfacing over time, I know that some of these images have been circulating the Internet for some time and I can’t guarantee that all of these function correctly, but I thought it would be nice to see some of these modifications grouped together, and who knows maybe looking at these images and videos might have motivated someone to create their own master piece.

Written and researched by Matthew Armitage


Anonymous said...

Hi Guyver - I have a PSP and want to get a clear case with Blue LEDs for mine just like in your picuture - Where in Australia can I get this done please? - Please email me to - Many thanks mate

Next-Generation Entertainment said...

Woah Guyver - that's some pretty sweet mods. Besides your black case on your Wii - have you done any?